What is Aromafeeling?

Essential oils are the most noble plant components concentrated in powerful drops. They are obtained by distillation, or sometimes using a solvent, and work in our body by being carried to our limbic system by the olfactory tract and blood current. Some of these components affect us emotionally, providing comfort, relaxation, focus, grief, and many other benefits for our wellness and mental health.
Aromafeeling is indicated for those that want emotional healing in a natural way. Essential oils are blended and inhaled or diluted for skin application, during a specific period. The aromatic molecules reach the brain and modulate the neurotransmitters. Usually at least 3 sessions are indicated, according to the demands brought on consultation and new blends are prepared on the return visits. I am available for you on this healing process, whenever you feel your call.

About Clarissa

I am an Ayurvedic therapist, with certification from Dhanvantari Clinic and Povo em Pé in Brazil, and UVAS Ayurveda in India.
I am also a certified aromatherapist by Instituto Samia Maluf, with focus on emotional aromatherapy.
I have been a physician in Brazil for more than a decade and came to Sweden to start a new life. A life based on freedom, lightness and nature as an alternative therapist. These beliefs influence my practice of health and wellness counseling and natural treatments. Here in Sweden now I feel like home, and I found a wellbeing oasis at Highersense Lund. Join us into our journey to a happy and healthy life.
Clarissa Brito

Booking information

Highersense Hot Yoga Lund